We traded in the Land of the Vikings for the Beach!

After living in Minnesota for 3 years and having Lexi, we decided it was time to get back to the East Coast to be near friends and family. We have moved to Virginia Beach and are starting a new chapter on our blog.


We're Expecting A New Addition

It's official...we're having a girl.  Heather is 19 weeks pregnant and due March 25.  We're trying to pick out a name and the nursery pattern.  We just registered at Babies R Us and what an overwhelming experience that was! Heather has been feeling good and had no morning sickness. At this point, Heather is just starting to show and it's more like a bad beer gut than anything else.  However, the baby belly has really seemed to pop out more over the last 2-3 weeks.  We'll keep you updated as things progress.