We traded in the Land of the Vikings for the Beach!

After living in Minnesota for 3 years and having Lexi, we decided it was time to get back to the East Coast to be near friends and family. We have moved to Virginia Beach and are starting a new chapter on our blog.


Lexi "Talking"

Lexi keeps us entertained by "talking."  She likes to make a lot of noises and our joke is that she is loud like daddy!

Lexi Eating Baby Food

Lexi started eating baby food and rice cereal when she was 4.5 months old.  This is one of our first time eating "big girl" food.  She loves to make a mess and talk while she's eating.

Lexi in the Bumbo Chair

Lexi likes sitting in her Bumbo chair.  It helps her learn to sit up and we tell her she is a "big girl" when she sits in it!

Lexi - Move Day in VA

We got moved at the end of May to our new place in Virginia Beach.  We are near Sandbridge Beach and have a pool in the backyard as well.

Lexi Sitting Up

Lexi is practicing her sitting up.  Her best friend - our cat Gabby - is sleeping next to her.