We traded in the Land of the Vikings for the Beach!

After living in Minnesota for 3 years and having Lexi, we decided it was time to get back to the East Coast to be near friends and family. We have moved to Virginia Beach and are starting a new chapter on our blog.


Lexi - 8 months old

Lexi just turned 8 moths old on 11/17.  She's very petite and long, but gaining weight.  We found out she was lactose intolerant so that has contributed to her not gaining as much weight.  She can eat and with the formula change to lactose-free, we have already seen her pack on some pounds!

Lexi's Trip to the Mountains

We took Lexi to the mountains outside Charlottesville for a long weekend.  She went hiking, walking in the jogging stroller and to dinner at some fine restaurants.  Lexi entertained herself at dinner by watching Baby Einstein videos on the portable DVD player.  She was just fascinated by having her own little "TV" to watch.

Lexi's First Halloween

Lexi and daddy were both MN Vikings fans for Halloween.  Lexi fell asleep before most of the festivities started, but we were able to get this quick photo.