We traded in the Land of the Vikings for the Beach!

After living in Minnesota for 3 years and having Lexi, we decided it was time to get back to the East Coast to be near friends and family. We have moved to Virginia Beach and are starting a new chapter on our blog.


Lexi - Almost a Year Old!

Lexi keeps growing and continues to amaze (and amuse) us with how much she knows and learns. She loves to hear Jason play the guitar (and play it herself too!). She loves paper and if she gets a hold of the tissues, you can see from the picture above what happens. Lexi is now eating solid food and has her two bottom teeth with more on the way. She is crawling and pulling up on everything. She is much more vocal and we're both anxiously awaiting what her first word is going to be. She is 11 months old and it's hard to believe she's almost a toddler.